No DNS domain configured for myServer whilst joining AD domain 2021-02-04 linux 暂无评论 2340 次阅读 So I'm having the lovely experience of attempting to join an Ubuntu-Server instance to a corporate AD domain built exclusively for Windows. I've configgured SSHD and SAMBA however, when I run: `sudo net ads join -U %` I get the following results: Joined '< myServer >' to dns domain '< myDoman >' No DNS domain configured for < myServer >. Unable to perform DNS Update. DNS update failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER I've added the following to my /etc/network/interfaces file: auto ens32 iface ens32 inet dhcp dns-nameservers < myDNS > Where ens32 is my primary network interface. Any help would be appreciated. 转自 标签: none 本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。