ESXi连接iSCSI存储磁盘显示正常已降级 2020-12-04 虚拟化 暂无评论 10673 次阅读 ![esxi-iscsi-normal-degraded.png]( 测试时用freenas与openfiler配置了单独存储,连入ESXi后提示正常已降级。经分析,降级的原因一般是双路备份的读写接口只有一条能用,也就是接口没有做冗余备份。 也可用如下命令列出device列表,根据其状态进行判断。 `esxcli storage core device list` The field for the device is specifically reserved for indicating the path status of the device. --> When the device has more than one path to the target( storage array), the path status is "on". --> When all the paths to the target are down ( either off / dead ) the device status is "dead". --> If there is only one path to the target then the status is "degraded". --> When a device is unmapped from the storage array while ESX was using the device the status of the device is "not connected". --> If ESX fails to recognize the state of the device ( if all above mentioned scenarios are not applicable) then the device status is "unknown". 标签: esxi, iscsi, normal, degraded 本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。