HP Smart Array P212 SAS阵列卡 2020-06-13 服务器 暂无评论 5921 次阅读 HP Smart Array P212 SAS阵列卡,提供1个8088外接口连接阵列柜,1个8087内接口支持4个SAS硬盘。 最大支持54个硬盘,6GB接口,支持4TB硬盘盘,带256M内存。 手册地址 https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docLocale=en_US&docId=c05185704 概述转成了PDF下载[HPE Smart Array P212 Controller - Overview.pdf](https://blog.moper.net/usr/uploads/2020/06/870954293.pdf) The HP Smart Array P212 is HP's entry level PCI Express (PCIe) Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) RAID controller. The Low Profile, Half Height card has 8 ports and utilizes DDR2-266 memory. The P212 is ideal for RAID 0/1, 1+0 and can be upgraded with the 256MB battery-backed write cache (BBWC) module for RAID 5, 5+0. What's new 6G SAS and 3G SATA support Modular flexibility with scalability from HBA functionality to full SAS value RAID 5+0 and 6+0 Improved battery life (48 hours) SATA NCQ for all controllers Additional Features via Software upgrade – Smart Array Advance Pack (SAAP) Introducing the Smart Array P212, available now with the latest in I/O slot technology and entry level grade features. Entry Level Performance 4 internal ports/4 external ports of 3Gb Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) +6Gb SAS compatible x8 PCI-Express I/O connector DDR-2/800 memory 256MB, and Battery-Backed Write Cache (BBWC) upgrade option Reliable Standard RAID 0,1, 1+0 RAID 5, 5+0 support with 256MB Cache Flexible Supports SAS and SATA disk drives Manageable Online Drive Flash Remote monitoring and configuration Mirror Splitting and recombining 标签: 阵列卡, P212, HP 本作品采用 知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。